The First Step to A Better Life
Alcohol Detoxification
For hundreds of years, alcohol consumption has been a widely practiced and accepted part of American culture. In fact, it can be quite difficult for individuals to determine whether or not they are suffering at the hands of an alcohol use disorder because heavy drinking – and drinking to excess – is so common throughout our society. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, while drinking alcohol is not necessarily an issue in and of itself, alcohol can cause major, life-ruining consequences for some. Alcohol is a depressant drug, one that enters into the bloodstream the very moment an individual takes the first sip. As he or she continues to consume alcohol, his or her blood alcohol content (BAC) continues to rise. The higher the BAC gets the more severe the level of intoxication and impairment. Some common effects of alcohol use include motor impairment and slurred speech, reduced inhibitions, an increase in risk-taking behaviors, memory problems and general feelings of confusion.
At Pine Tree Recovery Center, our Alcohol Detox Program is designed to help clients stabilize and address the underlying issues that contribute to addiction as they begin their journey to lasting recovery. Our clinicians and medical professionals are highly skilled experts in the field of addiction recovery, and a high staff-to-client ratio allows us to provide the personalized, one-on-one attention that is so critical in the early stages of recovery.
Alcohol Consumption – A Common Practice
Despite the severity of these effects, drinking is common practice. According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 86.3 percent of American men and women over the age of 18 reported drinking alcohol at least once over the course of their lifetimes. 70 percent of American adults reported drinking in the past year, and 55.3 percent reported that they had consumed at least one alcohol beverage within the past month.
Our Unmatched Detox Program That Prioritizes Comfort & Safety
When a person becomes physically dependent on alcohol, their body experiences withdrawal symptoms as soon as the substance isn’t present in their system. Many people who abuse alcohol continue drinking, despite awareness of the problems it causes, just to avoid dealing with withdrawal symptoms.
Of course, not everyone who consumes alcohol develops an alcohol use disorder. Below are several signs and symptoms frequently associated with alcohol abuse.
We Are Here For You
Alcohol Abuse and Addiction
The 2018 NSDUH also reported that 14.4 million American adults suffered at the hands of a diagnosable alcohol use disorder. Men tend to suffer from alcoholism at a higher rate than women – in 2018, 9.2 million men and 5.3 million women grappled with an AUD. The mayo Clinic lists the signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse as mild, moderate or severe. The severity of the symptoms will depend heavily on personal background, the length of time alcohol was being abused and the consistency of abuse.
The more common symptoms of alcohol abuse include:
- Being unable to control the amount of alcohol that is consumed in one sitting.
- Trying to cut back on drinking but being unable to do so for any extended period of time.
- Experiencing alcohol cravings/urges to drink on a regular basis.
- Spending a great deal of time obtaining alcohol, drinking alcohol and recovering from the effects of excessive alcohol consumption.
- Neglecting personal obligations and commitments because of alcohol.
- Continuing to drink despite a steady accumulation of personal consequences.
- An increase in risk-taking behaviors while intoxicated, like getting behind the wheel of a car or engaging in promiscuous sex.
- Developing a tolerance for alcohol, meaning that more drinks are needed in order for the same level of intoxication to be produced.
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms upon abruptly ceased use, and often drinking more to avoid experiencing these symptoms.
If you have been living with an alcohol use disorder of any severity, Pine Tree Recovery Center is available to help. Alcohol withdrawal is extremely dangerous – and can be life-threatening – when not overseen by a team of experienced medical professionals. Our individualized alcohol detox program offers safe and pain-free withdrawal in a private, homestyle facility.
Pine Tree Recovery Center’s medically-supervised alcohol detox serves as an immediate solution for people who need short-term stabilization and are ready to recover. In addition to cleansing the body of alcohol and other toxic substances, Pine Tree clients also engage in clinical therapies and other holistic modalities as soon as it’s medically appropriate.
Our Alcohol Detox Services Include
Alcohol Withdrawal – Signs and Symptoms
The US National Library of Medicine reports that depending on the severity of the AUD, alcohol withdrawal symptoms typically take hold within the first 8 hours after the last drink. These symptoms peak within the first one to three days, but they can last for weeks if not effectively, professionally treated.
Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal typically include:
- Extreme anxiety, nervousness and panic attacks
- Depression, which can lead to suicidal ideation if not treated
- Tiredness and fatigue, which is often coupled with insomnia/an inability to sleep
- Irritability/mood swings
- Shakiness and body tremors
- The inability to think clearly/confusion
- Persistent nightmares
- Headaches
- A complete loss of appetite
- Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
- Rapid heart rate
All of the above-listed symptoms can be treated in a medical detox facility like Pine Tree Recovery Center, and they do not prove to be life-threatening. However, if an individual has been abusing alcohol for an extended period of time, he or she is liable to experience a severe form of withdrawal known as delirium tremens.
Symptoms of delirium tremens include:
- Extreme agitation
- A high-grade fever
- Auditory and visual hallucinations
- Severe confusion
- Seizures
These symptoms can be life-threatening when not constantly overseen and treated as they arise. At Pine Tree Recovery Center our team of medical professionals and prescribing physicians is equipped to treat all symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal, no matter how severe they might be.
Since long-term recovery is the goal, we do everything we can to establish a strong foundation early on. When a client completes our Alcohol Detox Program and is ready to transition into the next appropriate level of treatment, they can build upon the progress they’ve made at Pine Tree Recovery Center, reclaiming their lives and their ability to function and succeed independently.
Ready To Begin Your Alcohol Detox?
We Offer A Safe & Effective Program
Don’t let Alcohol addiction control your life.
Call us today and let’s get you started on the path to a better you.
Why is Medical Detox Necessary?
When it comes to effectively testing the potentially dangerous symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal, medical detox is always necessary. At Pine Tree Recovery Center, we utilize numerous proven detoxification methods, including Medication Assisted Treatment. Benzodiazepines have proven extremely effective in the treatment of the more severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Upon admission to our treatment facility, each individual client undergoes an in-depth evaluation which helps our clinical team determine which alcohol detox methods are going to be the most effective. Every individual who is admitted to our program for alcohol addiction is closely monitored for signs and symptoms of delirium tremens. Heart rate and blood pressure are closely monitored, fluids are often administered intravenously in order to prevent dehydration and medications – like benzodiazepines – are administered to combat the more severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Even if an individual has been abusing alcohol for a short period of time, medical detox will be necessary in case the symptoms of withdrawal do take a turn for the worse.
The comprehensive level of clinical care that we provide cannot be found in any state-run or funded facility, or in any traditional hospital setting. We pay close attention to treating symptoms of alcohol as they arise, but we also provide our clients with a comprehensive level of care, putting an emphasis on emotional and mental health as well. Our team includes licensed therapists and psychiatrists, who help clients begin working through underlying issues and addressing any potential underlying mental health conditions.
Begin Healing Now!
Have A Call With One Of Our Treatment Advisors
Don’t Suffer Any Longer
Pine Tree clients are welcome to take advantage of a wide range of complementary services and features. These include:
- Educational sessions on addiction and recovery.
- Optional 12-step meetings.
- Full-service kitchen and chef-prepared meals that prioritize proper nutrition.
- Recreation and exercise.
- 24/7 clinical and medical supervision.
- Clinical services, such as individual and group therapy.
- Case management.
- Aftercare planning for the next phase of treatment.
Our Simple Admissions Process
At Pine Tree Recovery Center we completely understand how truly devastating alcohol abuse and addiction can be. We know that when it comes to individuals who have been suffering at the hands of alcohol addiction, there is typically a very small window of opportunity during which they are willing to seek the professional help they so desperately need. Because of this, our admissions process was specifically designed to be as simple as possible. As soon as you are ready to seek help, give our Treatment Advisors a call 24/7 at (888) 693-1751 or submit this form online click here. Once you do, you will be provided with a free, no obligation insurance benefit check. Determining how treatment will be covered can cause a lot of stress when you are left to figure out the finer details on your own. Fortunately, Pine Tree Recovery Center accepts most major insurance providers. There is a very good chance that some or all of your treatment experience is covered by your current provider – and even if you are uninsured or underinsured, there are many additional payment options available. Once your coverage is determined our Admissions Counselors set to work developing a date and a time for intake and laying out viable and stress-free travel plans.
If you have been suffering at the hands of alcoholism or an alcohol abuse disorder of any severity, Pine Tree Recovery Center is available to help. Simply give us a call now and we will immediately get you started on your own personal journey of alcohol addiction recovery.